Birkdale Infant
Our Birkdale Infant Daycare program caters for children from birth to 15 months. It is geared towards providing child care for infants with a high level of physical care and comfort, in an environment which is a home away from home. We know how difficult it is leaving your baby – we take every step to make this as easy as possible for you. In the childcare nursery rooms at Perfect Start Birkdale Day Care Centres you can expect to see a homely, aesthetically pleasing, safe and welcoming environment for your child. Our educator to child ratios are compliant with the National Quality Framework standards.
Our warm, soothing Nursery room is a secure and relaxed space where early socialisation begins. Our Birkdale Infant Daycare program is tailored towards auditory and visual recognition and language development. We understand childcare for newborn babies. Our educators speak frequently to the children, read and sing to them. As the child grows, the interactions are extended with toys and other learning materials such as blocks, sorting and stacking toys crayons and paper. Our educators help with teaching basic motor skills encouraging play with table toys and push toys. Music is used as a tool at every stage to develop language and socialisation skills.
High Quality Child
Care For Infants
The educator’s role in our Birkdale Infant Daycare Rooms is to encourage children with building reciprocal relationships with their peers and carers. Our approach to child care for infants is to provide an emotionally nurturing environment that fosters self-confidence and individuality. We achieve this through the Habits of Heart and Habits of Mind as these dispositions are embedded within our program.
We encourage children to explore all their senses through familiar and flexible routines utilising both our indoor and outdoor environments . Our days in the childcare nursery room are geared towards meeting the needs of the children in their learning and exploration through play.
We hold value in supporting children’s cognitive, social and emotional development. We allow time, space and freedom for the children to develop their social and communication skills. We allow children to develop at their own pace. Our Birkdale Infant Daycare program is a mixture of both child initiated and teacher initiated activities, as it is designed with the needs of individual child in mind.
Our environment allows the children freedom of choice to access an array of materials and resources independently. The framework’s vision is for all children to experience play-based learning that is engaging and builds success for facing the many challenges in life, and ensuring the children are confident learners, ready for the next stage of their journey in the Toddler room.
Our culture within the Nursery Room invites you, the families and wider community to share knowledge and skills with us. By working together with families, our educators enhance the learning and well being of every child.
We provide free Squimbles Premium Nappies and Wipes for children under the age of two.